IEP Parent Input: A Family's Roadmap for Special Education Success
This week’s episode of the Special Education Inner Circle podcast I’m chatting all about a topic that's near and dear to my heart as a special needs sibling - the parent input statement in the IEP.
I can say without a doubt that my mom’s voice not being heard about my brother’s education was a BIG reason why I became a Special Education teacher way back in the day. I left the classroom decades ago and have been focused on helping parents and teachers build AH-MAZING IEPs, which includes (you guessed it) - making sure the parent input section of every IEP is not just another box checked, but a true impact statement for everyone at the IEP table.
It still makes my eyes double-take when I see this section left blank or a documented statement saying "parent has no concerns."
Because the truth is, I don't know a single parent of a child with a disability who doesn't have at least a truckload of concerns, ideas, and dreams to share. Whether it's about communication, social-emotional needs, academics, or preparing for life after school, parents have a wealth of valuable insight to share.
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Think about it - as the one constant in a child's educational journey, parents have a unique perspective that no one else can provide. They know their child's strengths, struggles, and long-term goals better than anyone. And when that input is thoughtfully integrated into the IEP, it can make all the difference in creating a truly individualized plan.
So, here's my challenge to you: go take a look at your child's IEP (or, if you're an educator, your students' IEPs) and see how that parent input section is being utilized. Is it just a vague statement of "no concerns"? Or is it a detailed roadmap of the family's values, priorities, and vision for their child's future?
If it's not where you want it to be, don't stress - I’ve got you! Whether you're a parent looking to find your voice or a teacher seeking better ways to collaborate with families, I've got the strategies and tools to make that parent input section shine.
Join me in the Master IEP Coach® Mentorship, where I'll show you Special Education solutions you’ve never seen before and work together to create family-centered education plans. It's a game-changer….